
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."
Paul Klee
  • Art-Counseling uses the expressive modality of art and creativity as a self-regenerative and self-repairing tool.
  • Graphic arts, dance, movement, storytelling, acting are privileged in Art-counseling.
  • Its goal is to improve and make our lifestyle more satisfying, rewarding and creative.
  • It makes individuals increasingly aware of their needs and their internal world through the metaphoric and symbolic language of art.
  • A special inner journey.
  • The art-Counselor integrates the use of creativity. All arts-therapies are a specific method of counseling. The aim is no evaluation on client and his problem, no interpretion, no consoling support, never proposing solutions, or inquiring attitude. On the contrary the technique uses empathy – authenticity – active listening – unconditional acceptance – no judgement.
  • Art Counseling reactivates personal resources,
  • Art Counseling encourages the identification and development of latent skills and potentials.
  • It gives or restores individual’s awareness internal dynamics and strengths.
  • It makes possible to decrease our anxiety and distress levels.
  • It Increases relational and social skills.
  • It experiments and acts new and more profitable patterns of behavior.
  • It offers psycho-physical support in chronic diseases.
  • It broadens our existential perspective.
  • It arises as an effective modality in a wide range of problems.
  • It facilitates the resolution of existential discomfort in particular moments of life such as: periods of transition and change (adolescence, marriage, menopause, detachment of children).
  • It allows to process and overcome many inconveniences of ours society like: loneliness, depression, fear of aging, difficult relationships, conflicts with ourselves or with others, inability and need to accept chronic diseases …
  • It uses the non-verbal language of art by increasing self-knowledge, the awareness, self-esteem and acceptance of our individuality.
  • Art-counseling allows clients to reclaim their energy, restore autonomy, increase a sense of dignity, decision-making ability and greater freedom.
  • Thanks to the art metaphorical language we are able to make, remake and transform aspects of our story,
  • We can express symbolically what cannot be expressed in words, (because it is too painful or present at an unconscious level) . We can recreate the event, reshape it through the “restorative” experience of the game.
  • Art-Counseling is managed by the support of professional counselors who work in the field of prevention and salutogenesis. The Expressive Counseling methodologies are tools to increase Well-Being, awareness, to acquire new styles of behavior aimed at psychic emotional-growth.

Questo sito web è stato creato da Belino Gjepali (, @belo13pm)

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"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."
Paul Klee
  • Art-Counseling uses the expressive modality of art and creativity as a self-regenerative and self-repairing tool.
  • Graphic arts, dance movement, storytelling, acting are privileged in Art-counseling.
  • Its goal is to improve and make our lifestyle more satisfying, rewarding and creative.
  • It makes individuals increasingly aware of their needs and their internal world through the metaphoric and symbolic language of art.
  • A special inner journey.
  • The art-Counselor integrates the use of creativity. All arts-therapies are a specific method of counseling. The aim is no evaluation on client and his problem, no interpretion, no consoling support, never proposing solutions, or inquiring attitude. On the contrary the technique uses empathy – authenticity – active listening – unconditional acceptance – no judgement.
  • Art Counseling reactivates personal resources,
  • Art Counseling encourages the identification and development of latent skills and potentials.
  • It gives or restores individual’s awareness internal dynamics and strengths.
  • It makes possible to decrease our anxiety and distress levels.
  • It Increases relational and social skills.
  • It experiments and acts new and more profitable patterns of behavior.
  • It offers psycho-physical support in chronic diseases.
  • It broadens our existential perspective.
  • It arises as an effective modality in a wide range of problems.
  • It facilitates the resolution of existential discomfort in particular moments of life such as: periods of transition and change (adolescence, marriage, menopause, detachment of children).
  • It allows to process and overcome many inconveniences of ours society like: loneliness, depression, fear of aging, difficult relationships, conflicts with ourselves or with others, inability and need to accept chronic diseases …
  • It uses the non-verbal language of art by increasing self-knowledge, the awareness, self-esteem and acceptance of our individuality.
  • Art-counseling allows clients to reclaim their energy, restore autonomy, increase a sense of dignity, decision-making ability and greater freedom.
  • Thanks to the art metaphorical language we are able to make, remake and transform aspects of our story,
  • We can express symbolically what cannot be expressed in words, (because it is too painful or present at an unconscious level) . We can recreate the event, reshape it through the “restorative” experience of the game.
  • Art-Counseling is managed by the support of professional counselors who work in the field of prevention and salutogenesis. The Expressive Counseling methodologies are tools to increase Well-Being, awareness, to acquire new styles of behavior aimed at psychic emotional-growth.